Friday, July 06, 2007


I want to be clear about something (you may have gleaned this from my Evolution/Shmevolution Post), I do not believe in "Creationism" or "Creationist Theory." My parents raised me in the Catholic Church, however, they also raised me with a strong Scientific background and to question my beliefs and everything around me. As an engineer, I was educated predominately in Science (An Engineers basic definition is as an "Applied Scientist"), so I have come to the conclusion that Evolution is fact. It is consistently supported by both anthropological, biological and genetic evidence. So, whether or not I "believe" in evolution is irrelevant and whether or not someone "believes" in Creation is also irrelevant because all of the evidence says evolution is fact, it is real, and it is proven. Sure, maybe the details need to be worked out, maybe scientists from time to time need to revise their evolutionary models, but that doesn't change the fact that it is real.

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