Monday, September 24, 2007
Health & Wellness: Bowing down to the Health Insurance Industry
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Pornography and the End of Masculinity
Thats probably why the conclusion the author makes is what really rang true for me:
As is often the case, this paradox can be resolved by recognizing that one of the assumptions is wrong. Here, it's the assumption that U.S. society routinely rejects cruelty and degradation. In fact, the United States is a nation that has no serious objection to cruelty and degradation. Think of the way we accept the use of brutal weapons in war that kill civilians, or the way we accept the death penalty, or the way we accept crushing economic inequality. There is no paradox in the steady mainstreaming of an intensely cruel pornography. This is a culture with a well-developed legal regime that generally protects individuals' rights and freedoms, and yet it also is a strikingly cruel culture in the way it accepts brutality and inequality.
The pornographers are not a deviation from the norm. Their presence in the mainstream shouldn't be surprising, because they represent mainstream values: The logic of domination and subordination that is central to patriarchy, hyper-patriotic nationalism, white supremacy, and a predatory corporate capitalism.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sick of Sicko?
I should point out, however, that I have yet to see the movies, but I have been following it to some degree (mostly on the Daily Show and a YouTubeish copy of Colbert). It seems to me that Moore's whole point is not "what are the conditions of the country that has good health care" (France and Cuba in his movie) but why is it that their health care is so much better than ours? Indeed, even CNN was so taken aback that they felt the need to attack Moore who fought back and actually forced CNN to admit they were wrong! I'm not sure if its because CNN (and other news agencies) are on the payroll of the medical industry as Moore claims, but you know something? It wouldn't surprise me! Remember, just like HMO's, the news media are run by private for profit corporations and get a lot of their funding from the aforementioned medical industry.
As I said, I have not seen the movie. I do plan to see the movie, in which I will post my comments once I have seen it. Just remember that people who operate on a profit motive have a tendency to only care about maintaining that profit and more often than not, do NOT have YOUR interests in mind! Think of it this way, if firefighters were market based and not publicly funded, and putting out a fire in your house depended on if you have "fire insurance," how would you feel if they came, and stood their looking up your insurance report trying to find a reason NOT to put out the fire in your house while the whole time, you're standing there arguing with them trying to convince them that you have insurance and they should put it out? Based on Moore's appearance on Colbert and Daily Show, that seems to me to be what the movie is about. In any case, I will go see it, and Mr. X has not dissuaded me in anyway. If anything, I'm even more interested than before!